We, as the Aerotim team, take pride in continuing our academic contributions. You can follow our current publications on this page.
Sections for International Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Books
- Gürsoy, I.Yavrucuk “Direct Adaptive Limit and Control Margin Estimation with Concurrent Learning,” AIAA Journal of Guidance Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 39, No. 6 : pp. 1356-1373, June 2016. DOI: 10.2514/1.G001515
- .G.Gürsoy, I.Yavrucuk “Concurrent Learning Enabled Adaptive Limit Detection for Active Pilot Cueing,” AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Vol.11, No.8, Aug 2014. DOI:10.25141/1.I010205
- Gürsoy, I.Yavrucuk “Paraşüt-Yük SistemleriDinamik Modellenmesi ve Yol-Takibi,” Journal of Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, Vol.3, No.5, p. 49-54, 2103. (Turkish)
- Yavrucuk, H.M.Bakir, O.Uzol “Mathematical Modeling of the NOTAR Anti-Torque System for Flight Simulation,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol.58, p. 1-9, 2013. DOI:10.4050/JAHS.58.022002
- Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad “Online Dynamic Trim and Control Limit Estimation ,” AIAA Journal of Guidance Control, and Dynamics, Vol.35, No.5, p.1647-1656, 2012. DOI: 10.2514/1.53116
- Yavrucuk, E.S.Kubali, O.Tarimci “A Low Cost Flight Simulator Using Virtual Reality Tools,” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol.26, No.4, page 10-15, DOI:10.1109/MAES.2011.5763338, April 2011. (Harry Rowe Mimno Award)
- Unnikrishnan, J.V.R. Prasad, I.Yavrucuk “Flight Evaluation of Reactionary Envelope Protection System,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 56, Page 1-14, DOI:10.4050/JAHS.56.012009, Jan 2011.
- Uzol, I.Yavrucuk, N. Sezer-Uzol “Panel Method Based Path Planning and Collaborative Target Tracking for Swarming Micro Air Vehicles in Urban Environment,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol.47, No.2, Page 544-550, DOI: 10.2514/1.45469, Mar-Apr 2010.
- Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad, S. Unnikrishnan “Envelope Protection for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” AIAA Journal of Guidance Control, and Dynamics, Vol.32, No.1, Page 248-261, DOI: 10.2514/1.35265 Jan-Feb 2009.
- Vachtsevanos, F. Rufus, J.V.R. Prasad, I. Yavrucuk, D. Schrage, B. Heck and L. Wills, “An Intelligent Methodology for Real-time Adaptive Mode Transitioning and Limit Avoidance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” Book Chapter in “Software-Enabled Control: Information Technologies for Dynamical Systems,” A John Wiley/IEEE Press book, 2002.
International Peer-Reviewed Conference Articles
- Ekinci, S.Usenmez, I.Yavrucuk, O.Uzol, “Development and Testing of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Small Turbojet Engine ,“ Proceedings of AIAA Scitech Conference, San Diego, CA, Jan. 2016
- Gursoy, I.Yavrucuk, “Non-Iterative Direct Adaptive Control Margin Estimation,” Proceedings of EuroGNC Conference, Toulouse, France April. 2015 (Best Student Paper)
- Okatan, G.Gursoy, I.Yavrucuk, “Kalman Filter Based Modification on Helicopter Adaptive Control,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech Conference, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2015
- Gursoy, I.Yavrucuk, “A Non-Iterative Direct Approach to Adaptive Limit and Control Margin Estimation,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech Conference, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2015 (Best Student Paper)
- Usenmez, S.Ekinci, O.Uzol, I.Yavrucuk, “Application of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Speed Control on a Small-Scale Turbojet Engine ,“ Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo Dusseldorf, June 2014
- Gursoy, Y.Novikov, I.Yavrucuk, “Engine Limit Detection and Avoidance for Helicopters with Multiple Limits,” Proceedings of AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Boston, MA, Aug. 2013
- Yavrucuk, G.Gursoy, Y. Novikov, “Online Detection and Avoidance of Helicopter TGT Limits,” Proceedings of 69th American Helicopter Society Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2013
- Gursoy, A.Prach, I.Yavrucuk, “Design of a Waypoint Tracking Control Algorithm for Parachute-Payload Systems,” Proceedings of 2nd CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control, TU Delft, Netherlands, April 2013
- Yucel, I.Yavrucuk,”A Reactionary Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles,” Proceedings of AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Grapeville, TX, Aug. 2013
- Gursoy, O.Tarımcı, I.Yavrucuk, “Helicopter Slung Load Simulations Using Heli-Dyn+,” Proceedings of AIAA Modeling ang Simulation Technologies Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Aug. 2012
- Yavrucuk, G.Gursoy, European Rotorcraft Forum “Limit Margin Prediction For Helicopters Using Long Term Learning Adaptive Neural Networks”, Proceedings of European Rotorcraft Forum, Milan Italy, September 2011
- Tekinalp, S.Isik, I.Yavrucuk, “Fault Tolerant Control of an Over Actuated UAV,” Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Portland, OR, USA, Aug 2011
- Tiryaki Kutluay, I.Yavrucuk, “Dynamic Inversion Based Control of a Missile with L1 Adaptive Control Augmentation,” IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems & Control (MSC),Tokyo, Japan, September 2010
- Gursoy, I.Yavrucuk “Concurrent Learning Enabled Adaptive Limit Detection for Active Pilot Cueing,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Ontario, Canada, August 2010.
- Yavrucuk, H.M.Bakir, O.Uzol “Mathematical Modeling of the NOTAR Anti-Torque System for Flight Simulation,” 66th AHS Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2010.
- Cakir, A.M.Erkmen, I.Yavrucuk,”Cooperation Control of Three UAVs for Aerial Rescue and Aerial Retrieval,” International Conference on Adaptive Science&Technology, Accra, Ghana, December 2009
- Yilmaz, M.Pavel, I.Yavrucuk,”Helicopter Design for Handling Qualities Enhancement,” European Rotorcraft Forum, Hamburg, September 2009.
- Yavrucuk, E.S.Kubali, O.Tarimci, D.Yilmaz, “A Low Cost Flight Simulator Using Virtual Reality Tools,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Modelling and Simulation Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, August 2009.
- Tekinalp, T.Unlu and I.Yavrucuk, “Simulation and Flight Control of a Tilt Duct UAV,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Modelling and Simulation Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, August 2009.
- Cevik, O.Uzol, I.Yavrucuk, “A Robust Design Optimization of a Mixed-Flow Compressor Impeller,” to be presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2009, Orlando, Florida, June.
- Tarimci, D.Yilmaz and I.Yavrucuk, “On the Level of Center of Gravity Modeling Error in Neural Network Based Adaptive Controller Design,” European Rotorcraft Forum, Liverpool, 2008.
- Uzol, I.Yavrucuk, N.Sezer-Uzol “Collaborative Target Tracking for Swarming MAVs Using Potential Fields and Panel Methods,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Honolulu, HI, USA, August 2008.
- Kargin, I.Yavrucuk,”Autolanding Strategies for a Fixed wing UAV Under adverse Atmospheric Conditions,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Honolulu, HI, USA, August 2008.
- Kocer, G., Uzol, O., Yavrucuk, I., 2008, “Simulation of the Transient Response of a Helicopter Turboshaft Engine to Hot-Gas Ingestion,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2008 Berlin, Germany, June 9-13, 2008.
- Yavrucuk, O.Uzol, “Panel Method-Based Motion Planning for Swarming MAVs with Probabilistic Target Tracking,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Hilton Head, SC, USA, August 2007
- Ulku, I.Yavrucuk, T.Aybar, “A Multi-Purpose Helicopter Technology Demonstrator For Engineering Students,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Modelling and Simulation Conference, Hilton Head, SC, USA, August 2007
- Drozeski, I. Yavrucuk, E. Johnson, J.V.R. Prasad, D. Schrage, G. Vachtsevanos, “Application of Software Enabled Control Technologies to a Full-Scale Unmanned Helicopter, “AIAA-2005-6234, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit, San Francisco, California, USA, Aug. 15-18, 2005
- Unnikrishnan, I.Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad, “Reactionary Envelope Protection for Autonomous UAVs,” 61st AHS Annual Forum, Grapevine, TX, June 2005.
- Yavrucuk, “Simulation Based Envelope Protection Systems for Unmanned Rotorcraft,” AHS Specialists” Meeting on Unmanned Rotorcraft, Chandler, AZ, Jan 2005.
- V.R. Prasad, S. Unnikrishnan, I. Yavrucuk, “Envelope Protection Systems for UAVs,” 4th Australian Pacific Vertiflite Conference on Helicopter Technology, Melbourne, Australia, July 2003.
- Yavrucuk, S. Unnikrishnan, J.V.R. Prasad, “Envelope Protection in Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” 59th AHS Annual Forum, Phoenix, Arizona, May 2003. (Best Session Paper)
- Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad, “Adaptive Limit Margin Prediction and Control Cueing for Carefree Maneuvering of VTOL Aircraft,” AHS Flight Controls and Crew System Design Technical Specialists” Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 2002.
- V.R. Prasad, I.Yavrucuk, “Adaptive Limit Prediction and Avoidance for Rotorcraft,”28th European Rotorcraft Forum, Bristol, UK, Sept. 2002.
- Yavrucuk, S. Unnikrishnan, J.V.R. Prasad, “Carefree Maneuvering Using Neural Networks,” AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Monterey, CA, August 2002. (Best Student Paper Award)
- Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad, A.J. Calise, S. Unnikrishnan, “Adaptive Limit Control Margin Prediction and Avoidance,” 58th AHS Annual Forum, June 2002.
- Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad, “Adaptive Limit Detection and Avoidance for Carefree Maneuvering,” AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 2001. (Best Paper Finalist)
- Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad, “Limit Detection and Avoidance for Heli UAV”s,” 57th AHS Annual Forum, May 2001.
- Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad, “Automatic Limit Detection and Avoidance,” AHS Aeromechanics Specialists Meeting, Atlanta,GA, 2000.
- Kahn, S. Kannan, I.Yavrucuk, “Gtmars-Flight Mission Computer Architecture,” AHS Graduate Design Competition, 2001. (1st Place)
- Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad, “Reconfigurable Flight Controller for Extreme Maneuvering of Heli-UAVs,” AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Denver, CO, August 2000.
- Yavrucuk, J.V.R. Prasad, “Simulation of Reconfigurable Heli-UAV”s Using Main Rotor RPM Control In Failure Modes,” AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Portland, August 1999.
- JVR Prasad, I. Yavrucuk, “Reconfigurable Flight Control Using RPM Control For Heli-UAV”s,” 25. European Rotorcraft Forum, Rome, Italy, Sept., 1999.
- Kannan, C. Restrepo, I. Yavrucuk, L. Wills, J.V.R. Prasad, D.P. Schrage, “Simulation and Flight Control Integration Using the Open Control Platform for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” 18th AIAA Digital Avionics Conference, 1999.
- Kannan, J. Hur, G. Saroufiem, I. Yavrucuk, “Georgia Tech UAV Software Systems,” AUVSI Proceedings, 1999.
- Y. Burdun, D.N. Mavris, D.P. Schrage, I. Yavrucuk, “Computer Simulation of Selected Failure Modes and Operational Conditions for Rotorcraft,” Heli Japan 98 Conference, Gifu, Japan, 21-23 April 1998. D2-4.
National Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
- Üşenmez, S.Ekinci, I.Yavrucuk, O.Uzol, ” Bulanık Mantık Kontrolcüsü ile Küçük Ölçekli Turbojet Motorları Devir Kontrolü Uygulaması,” Türkiye Otomatik Kontrol Konferansı, Kocaeli, Eylul 2014
- Ekinci, S.Üşenmez, I.Yavrucuk, A.T.Kutay, O.Uzol, K.Kahraman, “ArGe’den Ürüne FADEC Geliştirme Süreci” SAVTEK , Ankara 2014.
- Novikov, G.Gürsoy, O.Uzol, I.Yavrucuk, “Helikopter Simülatörleri için Dinamik Turboşaft Motor Modeli Geliştirilmesi ve Simülatöre Entegrasyonu,” USMOS, Haziran 2013
- Gürsoy, O.Tarımcı, I.Yavrucuk, “Helikopter Otopilotları için Yaklışma Üst Modu Tasarımı ve Simülasyonu,” USMOS 2013, Haziran 2013
- Gürsoy, I.Yavrucuk, “Paraşüt-Yük Sistemlerinin Dinamik Modellenmesi ve Nokta Kontrolü,” SAVTEK Konferansı, Ankara, Haziran 2012
- Gürsoy, O. Tarımcı, E. Kubalı, I.Yavrucuk, “Heli-Dyn+ Kullanılarak Helikopter-Yük Sistemi Simülasyonlarının Gerçeklenmesi,” SAVTEK Konferansı, Ankara, Haziran 2012
- Tarimci, M.Turkal, I.Yavrucuk,”Heli-Dyn+ Kullanılarak Helikopter için Kontrolcü Geliştirilmesi,” SAVTEK Konferansı, Ankara, Haziran 2012
- K.Yillikci, D.P. Schrage and I.Yavrucuk A Strategy Development APproach for a Small General Aviation Helicopter Program, ”Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, August 2011
- Gursoy, I.Yavrucuk,”Long Term Learning Adaptive Neural Network Estimator Based Limit Detection,” IFAC Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP) Conference, Antalya, August 2010
- Tiryaki Kutluay, I.Yavrucuk,”Dynamic Inversion Based Control of a Missile with L1 Adaptive Control Augmentation,” IFAC Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP) Workshop, Antalya, August 2010
- Yavrucuk, O.Tarımcı, M.Katırcıoğlu, D.Yılmaz, E.Kubalı,”Entegre bir Helikopter Dınamık Modelleme, Simülasyon ve Analiz Ortamı,” SAVTEK, Ankara, 2010
- Ekinci, Y.E.Arslantaş, I.Yavrucuk,”Insansız Helikopterin Uçuş Kontrol Algoritmalarının Geliştirilmesi için Test Platformu Çalışmaları,” SAVTEK, Ankara, 2010
- Ekinci, I.Yavrucuk,“Küçük İnsansız Hava Araçları İçin Düşük Maliyetli Otopilot Tasarımı”, UHUK, Eskişehir, 2010
- Yavrucuk, S.Selvi, O.Tarimci “Helicopter Sizing for the Turkish Market Using Concurrent Engineering Tools,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, August 2009
- Yavrucuk, E.S.Kubali, O.Tarimci “The SCALAB Virtual Reality Simulator,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, August 2009
- Yilmaz, M.D.Pavel, I.Yavrucuk “Development of Complementary Helicopter Handling Qualities Criteria Based on Performance and Vibratory Loads,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, August 2009.
- Sagiroglu, I.Yavrucuk “Adaptive Neural Network Applications on Missile Controller Design,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, August 2009.
- Cakir, B.Demir, O.Tekinalp, I.Yavrucuk “Flight Control System Design and Integration for a Small UAV Test Bed,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, August 2009.
- Isik, O.Tekinalp, I.Yavrucuk,”Flight Control System Design for an Unmanned Air Vehicle,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, August 2009.
- H.Ercin, O.Tekinalp, I.Yavrucuk, “Helicopter Flight Simulation and Automatic Flight Control System Design,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, August 2009.
- Tarımcı, D.Yılmaz, I.Yavrucuk, “Helikopterler için Sinir Ağı Tabanlı Adaptif Kontrolcü Tasarımında Ağırlık erkezi Modelleme Hatasının Önemi,”Türk Otomatik Kontrol (TOK) Konferansı, Istanbul, Ekim 2008
- Yilmaz, I.Yavrucuk, “Development of A Flight Dynamics Model For A UH-1H Helicopter Simulator,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, September, 2007
- Tarimci, I.Yavrucuk, “Simulation Evaluation of A Flight Control System for An Autonomous Fullsize Helicopter,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, September, 2007
- Kargin, I.Yavrucuk, “Development of A Flight Control System For A UAV In Autonomous Landing,” Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, September, 2007
- Arslan, E.Arikan, I. Yavrucuk, “Dağıtık Uçuş Sistemlerinin Komuta Kontrol Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi için Simulasyon Tabanlı Test Platformu Yazılımı F-SIM”, USMOS Ankara, June 2007
- Uzol, I.Yavrucuk,”Sürü Halinde Uçan Mikro Hava Araçları için Akışkanlar Mekaniği Tabanlı Güzergah Belirleme Yöntemi,” Türk Otomatik Kontrol Konferansı (TOK), Sabancı Üniversitesi, Istanbul, September 2007
- Yavrucuk, A.T.Kutay, “Adaptive Neural Network Based Control System Applications for Autonomous UAVs,” presented at the Ankara International Aerospace Conference, METU, Ankara, Turkey, September, 2005
- Yavrucuk, E.Arslan,”Insansiz Hava Araclarininin Komuta Kontrol Sisrtemnleri Tasarimi ve Gelistirilmesi icin simulasyon Tabanli Test Platformu,” Savtek, Ankara, June, 2006
- Cevik, I.Yavrucuk, O.Uzol,”Ulusal Insansiz Muharip Hava Araci (Imha) Ihtiyacinda Etkin Sistem Tasarimi ve Itki Alt Sisteminin Degerlendirilmesi,” Savtek, Ankara, June 2006
- Onur Tarımcı, Güliz Bulut, Zeynep Çakır, Öznur Yemenici, Güneş Aydın, İlkay Yavrucuk , “Iki Kisilik Turbin Motorlu Bir Egitim Helikopterinin Konsept Tasarimi 1. Kisim: METUCOPTER,” I.Ulusal Havacilik ve Uzay Konferansi, Ankara, September 2006